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Gillygooley Primary School, Omagh

News - Mrs Lowry's class

2023/2024 School Year

15th Sep 2023
Clive Porter has returned this term to lead our P.E. Sessions on Friday’s....

2022/2023 School Year

2nd May 2023
Lots of outdoor learning took place today. Mrs Caldwell’s class took part...
1st Feb 2023
In P.E. over the next few weeks, Year 4&5 will be focusing on learning and improving...
21st Sep 2022
We had a great time this morning when we went out to our garden to pick our apples...

2021/2022 School Year

9th Jun 2022
Year 4&5 have been working really hard exploring the properties of 3D shapes. 
23rd May 2022
As part of World Around Us, year 4&5 are doing different and exciting experiments...
18th May 2022
As part of their term 3 topic, year 4&5 had been learning all about World War...
16th May 2022
Thank you to all the families who helped with our Spring Clean of the School grounds...
10th May 2022
P3,4&5 enjoying a P.E session of Pilates. Pilates is a mind and body discipline,...