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Gillygooley Primary School, Omagh

⭐️Seamus Heaney Award for Achievement⭐️

27th Mar 2023

⭐️Seamus Heaney Award for Achievement 2023⭐️

Year 6 and 7 are delighted to have been awarded as Runner Up for the ‘Seamus Heaney Award for Achievement’

Year 6 and 7 submitted a class poem, and an individual poem each, with the theme “Together Apart” with support from Michelle Young

We used the process of Transformation to Integrated Status as our unique theme and the poems submitted were amazing, it really shows what integration means to our children!

Special mention goes to;

Sam Kerrigan who was highly commended for his poem called ‘Puzzles’

Tilly Sproule was commended for her poem called ‘Learning Together’

And the whole class poem called ‘Golden Future’ was commended.

This is a great achievement for Gillygooley Primary School and we couldn’t be prouder!